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Michael competes for the Sultan's crown in an epic quest within his local LARP association while competing for Jen's heart.
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Talent: Kyle Ferris, Grace Lindblad, Linh Buih, Andrea Kotten, Lance B. Witmer, Bruno Zaniboni, Hunter McKinney, David Duplechin, Taylor Nicholas Forte, Anna Maria Morris, Darrian Greene, Raya Dize, Roz Stanley, Rhys Duffy, Lorenzo Anzoleaga, Tesla, Benji, Fancy and Prince Michael, Jen, Phil.
Director: Aaron Benitez
Writers: Sarah W., Alex F., Aaron, Andrew, Kevin P, Mark S
Music: / andrew-gerlicher-music
Voice: Jamie Costa and Danny Hauger
Sound: Kenji
VFX: Natalia Raz,Narendra Moond,Aaron Benitez,CG ART
Production Coordinator: Lance B. Witmer
Production: Rhys Duffy, Lorenzo Anzoleaga, Biani Benitez, Bailee Moreno
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